Summer's over and i have not post, not even one during the summer (i think).
Now i'm sacrificing my maple time for this entry.
I was thinking of putting the whole trip in one post
But then the more i dig into the albums,
the more pictures i found and am tempted to put up here.
(because i love the macro shots)
Too many.
We freed a week before uni officially starts
(it was registration and we think it was rubbish, due to past experience)
for a little getaway to the south.
It was a little chaotic at the beginning of the
trip adventure
(now i call it an adventure because it made me feel like amazing race)
with Aymee remembering the passport she left in hometown
2-hours drive away just half an hour before the bus's going to leave.
I thought she was going to cry
but she didnt. Tsk.
We dealt with the matter in a mature, adultly manner. *beamed*
In the end, kaima went first and we got onto the bus 3hours plus later.
Reached Larkin bus station and started to look for 666 (i think, or 66 i dont know)
bus which acc to the Johor kia, will bring us to the hotel.
We went onto the bus, and asked the driver for confirmation.
Which, he asked us to go to another bus because we're on the wrong one and he wasnt going to pass by the place.
So we went to the other bus, and was told to go bck to the previous bus because
now we're really on the wrong bus.
Stupidly, we go straight to an uncle who looked like the supervisor
and tell him our situation.
He's very nice and a malay zai under him voluntered to hop on the bus with us and asked the driver to drop us when we're going to reach. :D
And we finally reached.
.:. Tune Hotel, Danga Bay.
5-star experience with a 1-star price.
Rather true.
But not much entertainment nearby.
We even have to walked like few kms to the bay
where there is this little funfair and a few restaurants
for dinner.
(we thought there was none nearby and we only saw one on the last day ==)
We ended up sleeping early for the next day.

.:. The girls.
Got up and was ready downstairs by 900(i think, forgot)
and waited for the van/bus whatever that was going to take us to Legoland.
And we reached there before it even open for the day.
It was opened on September 15, 2012.
And we went on the 18th which was 4-days after the official opening.
(the original plan was 19th but then it was closed)
.:. Our tickets.
.:. Ticket pricing. Adult = RM140(one day), RM 275(annual) .
Senior citizen/children = RM110(one day), RM 210(annual).
We got the tickets from Matta Fair at a special price of MYR96.
Hahahahaha. Imba.
Thanks to kaima. :D
.:. She's like the boyfriend. LOL.
.:. Map
It has got 7 themed-areas with rides and attractions.
and took us like 5-6 hours?
And it was very hot.
They legolized everything that can be legolized.
Almost everything is in pixels and
we all got abit over-excited cause being the 90s kids,
we practically grew up with Legos.
.:. Pixel
Because the day we went wasn't a public holiday,
we dont really have to queue for the rides.
So it saves us alot of time,
and we even went again and again on rides like
The Dragon, Dino Island and Project X
(just for the pictures)
Frankly im afraid of roller coasters and heights.
But kena forced to go on the rides. :\
And we were busy finding and posing for the camera.
So it took the focus away from fear.
.:. Dino island. The only rides that we got wet.
Since we're already wet, we went again and again. :P
Also went for their 4D shows.
Different shows every 30 minutes.
.:. Woman in black
.:. Us
And had our lunch at Pizza Mania.
.:. See the size?
.:. Thin-crust. Joey and i used our hands while the other two uses knives and forks and the paperbox as plates.
.:. Legos for sale at the shop near entrance.
The lego heads somehow look like popcorns. :P
.:. Us with Mini Singapore at Miniland.
.:. Photographer
They have these photographers in the Miniland and around the park who can help you to get group photos with the mini buildings, which is claimed at the shop near the entrance.
Rm 20 / photo i think.
.:. L for Legoland.
.:. Us with the Lego man
I did mentioned that we went on rides again and again for the pictures.
So here are the 'outcomes' that we all agreed on:

.:. Dino Island
.:. Project X
I looked so natural. tsk.
For more info:
Legoland Malaysia's Website