01/02/12 : Finally. Banner's DONE! After months of procrastination of course ;)

November 30, 2010

Third in A Year

Before this,
I have this paradigm that i'll only fall sick once a year.
That was particularly applicable in previous years.

Starting this year,
it's now a No-no.

Im now sick, for the third time of the year;
first during last semester of found., somewhere around jan - may.
Second during summer break, likely around august-september

Not-bad-what, all the runny nose, body aches,sore throats
together-gether with assignments, presentations and lab exam.
Bahagianya saya~ =__=

November 21, 2010

Just A Dream - Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie

Thanks to Matthew! for posting this great song on FB!
And now everyone's sharing it cause it's fabulous and superb!

and me myself love it love it very very much!
esp Christina Grimmie. she's cool, has a nice and cool voice.!

Hope you guys like it! :]

*incase the embedded video doesnt work : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2RA0vsZXf8

November 15, 2010

Of Money

Back from a trip to Bank Negara @ Central Bank today.
It was quite fun,
minus the travelling time and
due to a jam caused by an accident on our way back.

Again, I must mention,
I hate that kind of 'shakiness due to almost-simultaneous stepping gas and brake'
If want to step gas, please continue for like some time before stepping on brake again.
Really beh tahan and wanted to vomit. >__<

Oh, and also minus the 'no-live-viewing-of-money-printing-process'
from the trip.
We thought we can at least view some stacks of $$ or part of the printing process live.
But,too bad, the operations are carried out not in M'sia.
Somewhere else lah.
But he showed us the video.
Alah, jadilah.

The outcome of the trip,
it makes me wanna work there
When we first arrive there,
we went to a lobby,
where we were then brought outside
following another route into another building.
Then, on our way,
Chicken and I were holding hands (wah, romanticnya)
We started to joke around:
'Maybe he's bringing us through the back door,
to the same spot in the lobby again'

We're like little kids,
going on educational tour,
back in schools it was lawatan sambil belajar.
Then chicken commanded :
'Hold your hands, dont get lost, put your finger on your lips'
like how guru pengirings would command back then.
I just couldn't even think or imagine
the group of us following the command

We arrived,
not in the same spot in the lobby,
but in another '5-star-hotel-like' lobby.
Instead of receptionist at the reception desk,
there were police officers.
Toilet smells good.

We're seated in an auditorium which could fill in about 200+
Given talks or briefings or speeches on the Central Bank(BNM) ,
its functions, some histories, currencies, money printing, counterfeiting.
Then one of the patpohs PP,
said : 'Maybe they would give us some $$ notes in the bag they gave us'.

around 1 hour plus speeches plus Q&A,
we left the auditorium to board the bus.
this time, we're not using the same route as how we got
to the building.
We went through the 'shortcut' in the building.
Ada shortcut rupa-rupanya.
which led us to the same spot in the lobby i mentioned earlier.!
i think the shortcut is for staff access only,
but okaylah, thank god it was raining that time,
so we could 'tumpang lalu'. lol

Now i know how much value of money i will get back
when i bring a cacat-ed (shrunk, tear, scribbled,soiled, etc)
money note back to BNM.
And no value will be given for a counterfeited money,
aka wang palsu, instead you may be diPENJARAkan jailed.
That makes it a better choice to spend it at the nearest pasar malam.
JK a. dont say i teach you har. >_<

So, that's the trip to BNM and lesson learnt today ;]

November 3, 2010




之所以说白羊座的人值得爱,并不是因为他们有多优秀,而恰恰是因为他们的不完美…… 在白羊座的字典里永远没有“利用”两个字,他们不懂得什么叫阿谀奉承,什么叫阳奉阴违,白羊座的人选择人做朋友永远是看你是否“值得交”,而不是看你是否“有价值”。 在白羊座的字典里永远没有“上赶着”三个字,白羊座的人永远只会去留意那些善意的向他们示好的人们,而不会为了达到某种目的去刻意与人攀关系。

白羊座的人并不是真的“很傻很无邪”,而是“很真很潇洒”,他们并不是不了解现实的残酷,并不是看不穿人与人之间利益的熏染,而是他们不想争,不想争并不代表没有野心,不想争并不是因为无能,而是在他们看来,一辈子的友情远远值钱于那短暂的利益…… 就算有一天白羊座的人想去争了也是选择“增加自己绳子的长度”,而不是费劲脑汁地扯断别人的绳子……白羊座的人永远不会为了所谓的“自己的利益”而与朋友撕破脸,他们这种不易被察觉的豁达是一般星座人比不了的。 永远不要和白羊座的人玩心机,他们不计较不代表他们傻,不要因为自己占了白羊座便宜就沾沾自喜,不要以为你伤害了重友情的他们他们就会为此而苦恼……白羊座的热情和绝情只在转瞬间,他们只在乎在乎他们的人,对于他们来说被骗点感情和钱不算什么,说的再讽刺一点就是多你一个不多,少你一个不少,如果你选择背叛出卖他们,都不用他们刻意的把你当屁放了,你自己就顺理成章的把自己归为不是个玩意那堆里了。 你可以有本事让白羊座的人“认输”“认栽”“认倒霉”,但是白羊座人的字典里永远没有“认错”两个字,明明他们也知道是自己的错。请原谅白羊座人这个最大的毛病——好面子,其实他们心里特别想跟你和好,所以这个时候希望你能给他们一个小小的台阶下……我敢说他们马上就会主动反省,向你道歉的。

白羊座的人脾气急,易冲动。与白羊座的人相处要时刻绷紧神经,要紧跟他们的步伐,这样才会让他们感觉到与你合作的痛快、默契,合拍。 白羊座的人永远都是刀子嘴豆腐心,他们最毒的地方永远都是那张一天白呼个没完没了的嘴,请不要怕与白羊座的人争吵,因为只要他们还能跟你说话,就说明事情还没到不能商量不能解决的地步,说明他们还没有真的生气。真正被惹怒的白羊座往往是连瞅都不稀瞅你的

白羊座永远都是那么的倔强,如果他们讨厌一个人,就一定要表现出来,一定要让那个人知道,就算水深火热当中,也绝对要咬紧牙关绝不张口向那个人请求支援……所以说抗战时期的白羊座如果被俘虏了绝对是死的最惨的那批。 白羊座的人最为真实,他们把怒哀乐都表现在脸上,不懂得什么是伪装,什么叫强颜欢笑,从来都是有一说一,有二就不会说三。 就算你很风骚,或很坏,

白羊座的人都不会介意,只要你表现的真实,骚但不装清纯,坏但不藏心机,就会被白羊座的人欣赏。 如果你与他们冷战很久想要缓解,慢慢来,别太热情,会吓到小白羊的,会让他们觉得受宠若惊,他们不太会表达自己的感情,不知道怎么去回报别人,可是对他们好的他们会永远记得,有好东西一定与你分享,如果你们分享不到他们的东西,那一定是因为他们没钱而不是不想花钱。 白羊座的人在正常情况说出的话就一定是真的,请相信他们。


白羊座的人很难做人的,其实他们骨子里相当孤傲的,很喜欢安静,不喜欢多说话,可是又不得不想让周围的人因为他们的存在而感到快乐和幸福!所以,稍微稳当点的白羊座会被人说成清高,活泼点的就被人说成“二”……请理解白羊座,清高的并没有瞧不起谁,“二”的只是为了你们能开心,幸福。 白羊座的人值得去爱,愿爱着白羊的孩子们永远幸福!




我已经帮你们highlight 起来了。
看~我对你们几好 :D

you may use Google Translator if needed. :D


Welcome to my world!