01/02/12 : Finally. Banner's DONE! After months of procrastination of course ;)

March 30, 2012



Believe, trust, care and love. Foregone.

Maybe one day, they will come back.


March 26, 2012


The match between Uni and Sri Lankan.

♥ basketball more than what I expected.

But we almost had to walk home. XD

March 23, 2012


Wheel of Colors. Irresistible.

*Tends to be easily attracted to colors. VERY easily.

March 20, 2012

Now that I'd exposed you to the stink-to-the-max chemicals,
bye bye lovely hair.

Actually I looked not much different from how i was
before i got the perm.

I'm afraid they would lose those curls
and there goes my 3 hour.


March 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Boy!

*p/s : better late than never! :DD