01/02/12 : Finally. Banner's DONE! After months of procrastination of course ;)

July 17, 2010

Movie Date

.:. 2010's.:. 19XX's

Came back from a movie date with Vanness!
We watched Flirting Scholar 2, << 唐伯虎點秋香2之四大才子 >>
Seriously, the first Flirting Scholar featuring Stephen Chow
is waaaaaayyyyyyyy funnier, better, nicer than 2010's.
If you're going to watch,
better not expect too much from it.


Anyhow, i love the leading actress, Zhang Jingchu 张静初.
She's so pweettieee *hearts*
I love scenes where she's in,
love watching her!

And we also watched Inception!!
Frankly, i've got no idea bout this movie,
never heard reviews of it,
Dont know who are the casts,
got no idea of the storyline.

I thought,
it was like any other action movies,
AK47 and other shootings,
but it turned out,
Definitely a MUST WATCH!

Im waiting for the next trip,
to watch Despicable Me!
and 人间喜剧 La Comédie Humaine with 王祖蓝 casting in it!
Cant wait! :DD

*note : still working on the animated banner for my new layout.
Plus, my sis's blog's banner!
and she's willing to pay me ten bucks for it!
Yay! im making $$ ! :D

P/s : Vanness is my bra bro !

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